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Statista data estimates that there were more than 36.2 million hospital admissions in America in 2019. Sickness can be depressing and costly, so it is vital to have a healthy and fit body for as long as possible to help enjoy long-term optimum wellness and peace of mind. A healthy body never comes on a silver platter, so you have to be deliberate about it. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to position yourself for better health and hopefully increase your life expectancy. Check out the ideas below to help better maintain long-term wellness. And always speak wiht your doctor or medical professional for what would be best for your specific needs.
Check your posture
Poor posture has several negative long-term effects, so correcting it now is vital to sustained health. Luckily, correcting your posture is as easy as straightening up your back and putting your feet flat on the floor when sitting. Similarly, stand tall and straight with your shoulders back and keep your head in line with your body when standing. Also, make necessary adjustments to your ergonomics, like switching to a more comfortable chair or repositioning your computer screen. This way, you can prevent eye, neck, back pains, and other occupational injuries.
Strive for a healthy body weight
It is common knowledge that excess weight is a solid foundation for many health issues, including cancer and high blood pressure. Sadly, America ranks 12th globally for obesity, with an estimated 42.4% of all adults being obese. Consequently, it is crucial to maintain healthy body weight to enjoy long-term health. Excess body fat typically occurs when you eat more than necessary. Therefore, control your portions and work out at least thrice weekly to burn fat and expend excess energy. You can also consider bespoke testosterone replacement therapy alongside moderate exercise to enjoy significant and sustained weight loss results, so keep this in mind.
Consume more whole foods
Your meal intake undoubtedly has a crucial role to play if you wish to live a long life devoid of chronic illness. Therefore, it makes sense to give your body the best food possible to enjoy a healthy life. Luckily, whole foods such as cereals, seeds, and nuts can help you achieve this aim. This reality is because whole foods have the necessary minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, plant protein content, and dietary fiber to guarantee long-term health. Fruits and vegetables should also appear more often in your diet since various studies have found that people who consume the most fruit and vegetables daily have a reduced risk of dying from any cause. You can start consuming more fruits by buying cut fruit after lunch to snack on instead of consuming unhealthy options.
Lower stress and anxiety
Excess stress and anxiety can affect your quality of health and lifespan as a result. Indeed, research shows that women battling anxiety and stress from life crises are 50% more likely to die from heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Additionally, men with excessive anxiety also have a high chance of premature death from cancer. Therefore, find various ways to avoid stress or healthily manage it at the very least. Guided meditation, watching comedy, and taking walks are some of the simple things you can do to obtain a more positive outlook on life and increase your chances of living longer.
Get enough sleep
Sleep is essential to maintaining general health, and not getting enough can significantly harm your long-term wellness. Inadequate sleep makes you more prone to depression, heart disease, weight gain, and other serious health issues. Also, you suffer a higher risk of stroke and heart attack when you don’t get enough sleep, irrespective of your age, exercise habits, and weight. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can increase your risk for dementia as you advance in age. Therefore, develop better sleeping habits to avoid all the above-listed health issues. You can commit to sleeping earlier every night to get the recommended eight hours of daily sleep, for starters. Furthermore, set a regular sleep schedule and stick to it even on weekends and days off. Also, turn off all your electronic devices about 30 minutes before bed since the blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your sleep cycle.
Drink more water
You have likely heard about drinking eight glasses of water daily, but very few people follow this rule. Instead, people usually drink more coffee, sodas, and other beverages instead of water. However, about 60% of your body is made up of water, so it makes sense to drink more water instead of other beverages. Water hydrates your skin, keeps your kidneys healthy, and energizes the muscles. It also helps you reduce your calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight.
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If you are feeling down or depressed for more days than not, please seek medical attention. If you are feeling like you cannot go on, please call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or chat here>>> Or visit the suicide prevention lifeline at
Cynthia @ Activefamilychiroaz says
Remember, wellness is a journey, and it’s important to approach it with patience, self-compassion, and consistency. These simple tips can serve as a foundation for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Embrace them, make them a part of your daily routine, and adapt them to suit your individual needs and preferences.