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You aren’t likely to be happy 24/7, but you can find happiness in the journey of life. Understanding that is part of the way to make sure that you find at least a little bit happier in your life. Lots of time in life we look for the “end game” of an endeavor without realizing the journey of life in the presence is really where happiness is found. It’s not completing a mission, winning a lottery, or getting the much earned raise. It’s the adventure of daily life that brings happiness.
Finding happiness is something that can be considered a life-long or just a daily journey. Here are a couple of tips that might help you to find your own happiness.
Loneliness is one of the biggest and most impactful things for some peoples’ happiness. In this hyper-connected modern world – weirdly enough it is easier than ever to feel alone. So the best way to fix that is to start heading out into the world (or start online) and talking to people. Start creating connections that you might not have realized you needed. It’s also important to remember that other people are not in charge of your happiness; that’s up to you.
Look for local groups and clubs where you can meet people who might feel just like you and/or they enjoy the same hobbies.
Learn What In the World is Happiness
Check out this video from the Huberman Lab. Below is the podcast “How To Improve Happiness” episode by Dr Andrew Huberman, Professor of Neurology and of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, and a researcher at Stanford University.
It is no secret that if you are worried about something to do with your health, you are going to have a lot of anxiety until it is fixed. People who visit the doctors regularly and have selected the best dentist for their needs are more likely to stay ahead of medical issues.
This is also the perfect opportunity to have your eyes checked to make sure you can see okay. Here you can refer to the prescription glasses pricing guide so you can budget appropriately for your purchase. You’ll be a lot happier and a lot healthier when your vision is clear and you can see what you’re doing. And of course, if you find that you aren’t just happy, instead you are struggling – then talking with a healthcare or mental healthcare professional is a must.
Modern society often tries to impress upon us how little choice we have. But actually, you have a lot of choices. While you can’t stop everything negative happening in your life, you have complete control of how you react to the things that happen.
Once you start to see that you almost always have a choice, you will unlock just a little spark of the ‘what if I didn’t?’ or the often more exciting ‘what if I did!’.
If you are not grateful for what you already have, you will never have enough. Being grateful for the things you have and the people around you right now will mean that the more you get, the more grateful you are.
Happiness and gratefulness are interlinked – the more grateful you are for what you have and want, the happier you are going to be.
Stop working from a scarcity ‘I need more’ and more into an ‘I have everything I need’ mindset.
When was the last time you headed out for a walk – with no destination, no timers, no demands, and no errands to run? We need at least ten minutes a day of being outside – but the more you are outside, the better. Not only is being outside essential to make sure our bodies are running at their best – but being outside is proven to reduce stress and make us happier.
You might not like the idea of heading out in the rain – but the sound of the rain bouncing off an umbrella is soothing too! If you are able, then heading outside and to the woods is something that should be done every day.
Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash
There is a big difference between resting and sleeping. Sleeping is something our body needs to replenish, repair and rejuvenate. Resting is something that we need, but for different reasons. Resting by doing things we enjoy or just sitting for a little while offers some mental peace, stress reduction, and a spot of self-care in a bust world.
Losing sleep and not resting will have some negative impacts on you, including high-stress levels, heart disease, diabetes, and low or aggressive moods, and it will impact how clearly you can think.
There are two big areas that can help you to start being happier. One is forgiving yourself for things you have done that have hurt you or others, and the other is forgiving others. When you can let things go, you are going to become lighter and let those negative feelings go.
When we hold onto resentments and anger, they negatively impact us for the duration that we carry them. Instead, let things go – learn to process and forgive.
When was the last time you celebrated a small win? Celebrating driving to a new place, walking into a store alone, getting dressed – brushing your teeth in the morning. When was the last time you stepped back and thought, ‘wow I did great today?’.
It is important that you celebrate all of the little things that you do every day – even though we are taught that emphasis should be put on big things online. It is the smaller accomplishments that pave the way for the big stuff – the small everyday moments.
If stress is one of the biggest things in your life, here are some tips for dealing with it: Life Is Stressful – How To Help Deal With It – SimpleStepsForLivingLife.
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If you are feeling down or depressed for more days than not, please seek medical attention. If you are feeling like you cannot go on, please call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or chat here>>> Or visit the suicide prevention lifeline at
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